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Cinema Culturas invites all elementary, middle, and high school students to participate in its Storytelling, Film and  Music Student Competition "Year 2050: Your world with AI" 

*We will accept registrations until November 8th, 2024*

This competition seeks to encourage and enhance our K-12 students’ 4 C’s of 21st Century Skills: Critical Thinking, Creativity, Collaboration, and Communication. Cinema Culturas expands on this learning model by incorporating two additional C’s in its educational program: Culture and Community. By providing fun and educational forums for all students to participate in, and having local communities come together via a digital platform, students’ storytelling skills are nurtured and promoted through the short films / stories they create. These stories focus on the theme "Year 2050: Your world with AI" in the fiction, non-fiction, science, and music categories.

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General Information and Submission Rules

All submissions are free!


* Submission deadline: November 8th, 2024*


All K-12 Students may participate.

Please refer to the Competition Categories below.


YOU DECIDE!  You can film or write your story. In addition, you can adapt music to your short film or include original music! 

You may submit a short film or written story with the following theme:

"Year 2050: Your world with AI"

Imagine the world in 2050: What will your story be?

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For both, short film and written story:

• The most basic organization of a story is the 3- part structure: beginning, middle and end. You can use this structure to tell your fictional story (based on your imagination) or nonfiction (based on a true story and/or facts). Show us your artistic and scientific skills!


Things to keep in mind:

• Put to use your multiple skills: critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, communication as well as highlight culture and community. Also, don’t forget you can enhance your story by making use of multiple talents: dancing, humor, illustration, singing, writing, research and more. In addition, if you add music that you created, you may also participate for the Special Prize for Original and Adapted Music. This means that you complement your story with music created or played by yourself. It can be background music that you play on an instrument, song to tell your story, or a song that you write/compose original and new music and add it to your story.

• You may involve your family members/friends in the creative process and have them be part of your story by using technology that allows you to stay connected while practicing social distancing and being safe.

• You can enhance your story using graphics, drawings, and images both digital and created by yourself.

• You can send in your story by hand or on a computer.


Regarding films or written stories:

• Must be original: Never before published, screened or presented as a completed assignment for school or outside of school to be able to participate in the competition and have its premiere at Cinema Culturas. Material must not be shown, exhibited or published on the internet or other media before the conclusion of this competition. * Your story will be disqualified if you don't follow this rule*

• Can be creative stories, personal experiences and/or based on facts that incite activities within the home and not outdoors (if allowed by your city).

• Must be on one of the themes above related to the overarching theme of this competition. 
“Year 2050: Your world with AI"

• Must include the sources of information (if data from a specific source is presented, please include it).

• Films or stories can be presented in English or Spanish.

• Duration/length of your film or story will be determined by the director/author’s age group. 
Please see below the “competition categories.”

• By registering your story or short film, you give Cinema Culturas the right to exhibit your material both for the selection of this competition and for the promotion of educational programs.
If your film/written story is selected, you will be notified via email and/or telephone at least 10 days prior to showcasing it on Cinema Culturas’ Platform.


• Your submission will not be processed without your completed submission form and materials requested. Please download the form here:

• Short films must be submitted in original files in digital format (.mp4 or .mov) to and  via

*Please see below instructions for submitting your material via the wetransfer platform.

• The written stories (as well as the images used in your story) may be submitted via email to and You can use applications to carry out your narration such as Book Creator or some other application that helps you write your story.

• Include two still photos from the film or written story (screenshot that is representative of the film/story) and one headshot photograph of the director (creator of the film) or author (written story creator).

• Your entry will be disqualified if you choose to make your film or story public (publishing it online or any other form of publication).

We are looking forward to receiving your wonderful story and remember:

Give it your best!.


1. Go to

2. If website prompts you to create an account, click on the “No thanks” button at the very bottom.
3. When website asks if you agree to their terms of service, click on “I agree.”

4. Click on the “+” button in blue circle to upload your edited/finished film file, or drag and drop onto site.

5. In “Email to” enter and

6. In “Your email” enter your email address.

7. In “Message” enter your film title, your full name, and a phone number where you can be reached.

8. Once your video file has finished uploading, click on “Transfer.”

9. You will receive an email informing you it was sent successfully and another once Cinema Culturas has received and downloaded your video file.


For both, short film or written story:

• Early Elementary School students from 1st to 3rd grades:  
Film duration: 3 minutes maximum. Written story maximum length: 1 to 2 paragraphs (1 page)


• Upper Elementary School students from 4th and 6th grades:  
Film duration: 3 minutes maximum. Written story maximum length: 5 paragraphs (1 - 3 pages)


• Middle School students from 7th to 9th grades: 
Film duration: 3 minutes maximum. Written story maximum length: at least 500 to700 words.


• High School students from 10th to 12th grade: 
Film duration: 5 minutes maximum. Written story at least 800 to 1000 words (*Must be typed).


• Original Music or Music Adaptation


Cinema Culturas’ jury will present the following prizes.

For each category above:

1st Place    $150.00 (Gift card)

2nd Place   $100.00 (Gift card)

3rd Place    $50.00 (Gift card)

Special prize for Adapted Music and/or Original Music:


  1. Adapted music: To accompany and enhace the value of your story, you may add music adapted by you and/or your team (remember that it should not be the same as the original version) either through one or more musical instruments and/or voice. *Don’t forget to give credit to the original song/music that your use in your video*

  2. Original Music: You can add music you created using one or more instruments, digital programs to create music, and/or your voice when composing the lyrics of the song. Seek to increase or narrate your story through music.

*In addition, winners will be receiving a Cinema Culturas certificate via email*

CINEMA CULTURAS will showcase all winning films and semifinalist written stories.     

Dates will be announced.


Dr. Cony Martínez,
Cinema Culturas' Director
Join our mailing list

Thanks for submitting!

© 2020 by Cinema Culturas

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