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Articles on Cinema Culturas

October 04, 2019

Historias del campo llegan a la pantalla grande

El Festival de Cine en los Campos 2019 llega por segundo año consecutivo para honrar a los agricultores del Valle de Coachella.

Este busca homenajear a la clase trabajadora del campo cuyas historias son ricas en cultura.

November 12, 2015

Riverside: Kids with Hollywood hopes head to Latino film festival

Adam Booker hopes his big-screen debut wins rave reviews.

The 9-year-old helped create a six-minute movie that will be screened as part of the Cinema Culturas Film Fest, which runs today through Sunday at Riverside City College.

October 16, 2014

RIVERSIDE: Film fest is latest sign of growing Latino clout

CORRECTION: An earlier version of this story mischaracterized the Cinema Culturas event. At least one previous Latino film festival was held in Riverside, in 2001 and 2002.

A few decades ago, Latinos in Riverside endured the indignity of only being able to swim in the Fairmount Park pool the day before it was cleaned.

November 11, 2018

‘The Other Coachella’ Launches Its Own Festival

Each spring, the music world hears the name “Coachella” and thinks of a major two-weekend arts and music festival. So attached are the name and the event that the web address Coachella.Com takes you not to the city’s official site but one where you can buy tickets for the festival.

November 17, 2015

CINE: Estudiantes echaron a volar su imaginación durante el festival Cinema Culturas en Riverside

RIVERSIDE – Beverly Arias no se acuerda de que hubiera talleres que dejaran volar la imaginación de los estudiantes en su barrio natal de Casa Blanca, al este de la autopista 91.

El pasado verano hubo una oportunidad para que los jóvenes bilingües del barrio de Arias aprendieran a hacer películas y a escribir guiones con el fin de presentarlos en la gran pantalla.

October 19, 2014

RIVERSIDE: Students awarded for film celebrating life

Student filmmakers and actors were highlighted at Sunday’s Cinema Culturas Film Festival Inland Empire at Riverside City College’s Salvatore G. Rotella Digital Library and Learning Resource Center.

High school and college students were invited to submit creative projects based on the theme of Dia de los Vivos/Day of the Living. Films were to be less than 15 minutes and could explore any aspect of what it means to be alive or to celebrate life.

October 27, 2017

Moreno Valley's First Latino Festival & Art Walk Amazes Audiences

Moreno Valley was honored to present the City's first Latino Film Festival and Art Walk. The City held the Cinema Culturas Film Festival and First Annual Moreno Valley Art Walk at Harkins Theatres in the Moreno Valley Mall. This weekend-long celebration of the arts took place October 27th through October 29th.

October 14, 2014

RIVERSIDE: Cinema Culturas film festival visits three venues

The Cinema Culturas Film Festival is not only a celebration of Hispanic filmmaking, but also a showcase of Riverside venues.

The three-day festival kicks off with an opening night gala and film Friday at the Fox Performing Arts Center.


Dr. Cony Martínez,
Cinema Culturas' Director
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